Farkle Dice Game Review

Farkle is a game the whole family could enjoy but if you like a challenge, this is a good game for you!
I played this game with my friend, and she said, “I really thought it was cool, except when I got tons of farkles.” She also played this game with my brothers and sisters which I also thought was cool because, even the little ones could play and have fun. The box says ages 8 and up, but my 4 and 6-year-old sisters were able to play just fine (with mom’s help). Their favorite part was shaking the cup, and dumping the dice.
In this game, you have two choices:
Play it safe, and stop when you have points, or take the risk, try for more points, and risk getting a farkle.
My vote is this game is great for all ages!
Review by: Lauren – Newt’s older sister